This tutorial demonstrates how to send SMS with RingCentral C# SDK.

RingCentral for Mac allows you to initiate calls, send text, start a conference, or send faxes from your desktop computer with the click of a mouse. The program's intuitive interface helps you answer and forward calls easily. Reduce app overload by accessing your cloud PBX system, team collaboration, and video conferencing solution from one central hub. RingCentral unified communications software lets you call, message, and meet anywhere from the same application in your PC or Mac. Is there an uninstaller for Mac? Support is telling me no (they first said to just delete the app), but it leaves items for RingCentral and Glip in /Library/Application Support. Not sure where else it leaves things. Free download RingCentral for Mac RingCentral for Mac for Mac OS X. RingCentral for Mac allows you to initiate calls, send text, start a conference, or send faxes from your desktop computer with the click of. RingCentral Meetings App for PC, Mac, Android, and iOS RingCentral Meetings is an HD video conferencing and screen sharing solution. You can host unlimited video conference calls and share content while meeting and collaborating with anyone, any time, on any device. ‎RingCentral is the leading all-in-one voice, team messaging, and video conferencing solution. Unlock your team’s potential and reduce email clutter with integrated task management, file sharing, and calendaring. Here’s how RingCentral helps teams to get stuff done:. Message real-time one-on-on.

This tutorial is based on the tutorial Authentication. If you didn't follow that tutorial, you can download its source code and start our experiment right here.

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In order to complete this tutorial. You need two RingCentral accounts. One for sending SMS, the other for receiving SMS. You should also install the RingCentral app, and logon with the account which is for receiving message.

If you only have one account, or you don't want to install the RingCentral app, you can still continue to experiment this tutorial. But you won't be able to tell whether the receiver has received the message.


Launch Xamarin Studio

Press CMD - O to open the MyTestApp solution created in Authentication tutorial.

First of all, make sure to replace the following with real credentials

Ringcentral For Mac

In the last tutorial, when the app is up and running, what we get is just a blank window, which is not cool.In this tutorial, we are going to create some UI elements.Select 'Main.storyboard', right click and choose 'Open With -> XCode Interface Builder'

Create the following UI in XCode Interface Builder.

How to build UI with XCode Interface Builder is out of the scope of this tutorial. Sweet home 3d full crack mac. There are some great videos about XCode Interface Builder from Youtube.

Still in XCode Interface Builder, Create outlets for the two text fields, create an action for the button. Please name the two outlets as receiverNumberTextField and messageTextField. Please name the action as SendMessage. The resulting Objective-C code should be like following:

How to create outlets and actions in XCode Interface Builder is out of the scope of this tutorial. There are some wonderful videos from Youtube.

Now go back to Xamarin Studio. And review the source code of ViewController.designer.cs. There should be some code automatically generated.

Let's edit ViewController.cs, add the following code:

Now CMD - Return to run the app. In the iPhone simulator, click the 'Send Message' button mutiple times. Check the 'Application Output' window for something like what is shown in the following screenshot.

Now we are sure that button are connected correctly to the action method. Let's move on to send SMS!


Update SendMessage action method, replace its content with:

The code needs a little explanation.

Statement above creates the request body. I know you might be wondering: what's the required data structure for request body? Where is the specification?

The specification could be found in the API Explorer. open the web page, click 'Messages' followed by click 'Create SMS Message'. You will find the model schema for the JSON body right there:

Statement above converts the C# object into json string. This is because the api server only accepts json data as request body.

Code above are quite self-explanatory: the first statement creates the request object, the second statement posts the request to server and get the response object, the final statement just prints the status code.

OK, everything is ready now, let's run the app!

Enter the phone number, enter the greetings, press the 'Send Message' button. The go back to Xamarin Studio and look at the 'Application Output' windows for the text 'Sms sent, status code is: 200'.

If you know the receiver's account credentials, it's time to logon that account with RingCentral app and confirm the message has arrived at its destination.

It's done, cheers!

Source code for this tutorial is available.

Ringcentral For Mac App


What's next?

You might also be interested in how to receive messages in the app. If so, please continue to read Receive Messages tutorial. – 2018