As previously announced, the old Drive desktop sync client for Mac and PC—a feature officially known as “Google Drive for Mac/PC”—will start to shut down on May 12th, 2018. After May 12th, the sync client may not work for bConnected Google accounts.

Please note: Google Drive on the web has NOT been discontinued; you can still access it from!

Here are some important things to know about the retirement of the legacy desktop sync client:

1. If you haven’t already, upgrade to a newer sync solution-- Drive File Stream or Backup and Sync.

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For more details, see: What are the Google Drive File Stream and Backup and Sync desktop apps?

If you’re a G Suite user, you should know that the Google Drive app you may be using on your Mac and PC is going away soon. But Google has a brand new alternative for it, one that’ll let you. 'Google Drive for Mac/PC is going away soon'???? A pop-up box just appeared on my Mac desktop that said 'Google Drive for Mac/PC is going away soon.To continue syncing files on your desktop, install Drive File Stream'What's up with this? I don't see anything on the Google Drive website that indicates it is shutting down.

2. The turn-down will be gradual.

Google will start the shutdown process on May 12th, but it will be gradual and may take several weeks to impact all organizations. After May 12th, however, updates to files may stop syncing between your computer and Drive, so we recommend upgrading by that date.

  • Google Drive app SHUT DOWN - PC and Mac versions being closed in next few months GOOGLE Drive apps for PC and Mac will be shut down, with users soon receiving messages that the service is “going.
  • Google Drive will soon be able to back up your entire computer. The Backup and Sync app is the latest version of Google Drive for Mac/PC and is integrated with Google Photos desktop loader.

3. Once the client shuts down for you, the Google Drive folder will stop syncing.

When the legacy Google Drive desktop sync client shuts down, it will stop syncing the Google Drive folder to Google Drive. The local Drive folder (containing your files) will not be deleted from the machine, but changes made inside this folder will no longer sync to Drive. We don’t recommend editing files inside of this folder after May 12th, as it could lead to users misplacing their edited files (not realizing that this folder isn’t syncing to Drive). To avoid confusion, you may want to delete the legacy Google Drive folder. By default, this folder is located at:

  • Windows: “C:Users%USER%Google Drive”
  • macOS: “/Users/$USER/Google Drive”

Use caution when deleting this folder, as it may contain content that has not yet been saved or synced.

For more information, refer to article Important additional information about the legacy Google Drive desktop sync client shutdown on May 12.

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Google Drive For Mac/pc Is Going Away Soon

Google Drive For Mac/pc Is Going Away Soon

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Google Drive For Mac/pc Is Going Away Soon Message

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